Phoenix Staff Blog

Read up to find tips on IT recruiting, how to hire, tech industry news, job interview insights, and more!

Taking the Leap: Skydiving and Career Change

Taking the Leap: Skydiving and Career Change

“Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?” That’s the most common question I receive when I tell people that my son and…
Overcoming Job Search Anxiety

Overcoming Job Search Anxiety

Hate your current job and can’t figure out how to make a move? Sometimes, it’s due to circumstances, and other times, it comes down to…
When Quitting is Winning: Embracing New Perspectives

When Quitting is Winning: Embracing New Perspectives

In 1996, a trip up Mt. Everest became the basis for one of my all-time favorite books, “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer. I was…
Hair Is Overrated

Hair Is Overrated

You Know You Have a Bald Spot Back Here, Right? When I was a sophomore in college, I wasn’t particularly concerned about my hair, but…
Strengthening Bonds: How to Cultivate Loyalty and Trust in the Workplace

Strengthening Bonds: How to Cultivate Loyalty and Trust in the Workplace

Employees are being laid off by the thousands; at the same time, employers still want employees to be loyal and advertise their interest in hiring…
Finding the Right Fit: Beyond Quick Hires and Excitement

Finding the Right Fit: Beyond Quick Hires and Excitement

If you are hiring, you might be feeling confident that, based on market conditions, you can hire people quickly. You may also think that you…
Managing Expectations: The Reality of Recruitment

Managing Expectations: The Reality of Recruitment

As a recruiter, I hate it when the person I assumed would land the role doesn’t get it. Early in my career, it was far…
Red Rover, Red Rover

Red Rover, Red Rover

  Probably dating myself a bit and potentially even alienating people. Β Red rover, red rover was a game that we used to play on the…
Tough Questions, Tougher Answers

Tough Questions, Tougher Answers

Why are you looking for a new role? What happened with the last role you were in to prompt a move? Why the gap in…
Why Silence Isn’t Always a Bad Thing

Why Silence Isn’t Always a Bad Thing

In sales, you leave a lot of voicemails and send a lot of emails. Many of them go unanswered. When they are ‘cold’ reach-outs, it…
The Occupational Hazards Of Recruiting

The Occupational Hazards Of Recruiting

Occupational hazards exist within recruiting. Here are a few: You will upset people when you do not follow up. This one is deserved. To avoid…
Two Interview Questions You Must Be Prepared to Answer

Two Interview Questions You Must Be Prepared to Answer

One of the best ways to stand out as a job applicant is to interview well. It is important that you have intentional, meaningful answers…
Tips On How To Build Your Confidence

Tips On How To Build Your Confidence

To land a job, you need to be ready to brag about yourself, to tout your abilities and to interview with confidence. Problem is, you…
Is Your Whole Resume A Lie?

Is Your Whole Resume A Lie?

During a conversation with someone the other day about interviewing and resume writing, it came up that β€œeveryone inflates the truth” in both. I thought…
Competitors Are Putting Down Their Swords

Competitors Are Putting Down Their Swords

In a continuation of conversations with leaders during the Covid-19 pandemic, I had a great opportunity to share time with JJ Gottsch, COO of Ryan…
Random Interview questions

Random Interview questions

It’s an early morning and you’re sitting in an office, ready to interview for a help desk position at an accounting firm. You’ve polished your…
The Role of Businesses & Educators in Filling The Skills Gap

The Role of Businesses & Educators in Filling The Skills Gap

Despite increased efforts to bridge the gap between what is being taught in our schools and Universities, the needs of the job market are still…
What’s your attitude indicator

What’s your attitude indicator

In an airplane, there is an instrument panel – of the instruments, the “attitude indicator” is arguably the most important you have as a pilot.Β …
Are These Resume Myths Holding You Back?

Are These Resume Myths Holding You Back?

You’ve taken the first step in looking for a job – you’ve carefully crafted (or recrafted) your resume, and fired it off to three, five,…
Really, Is it a really great question?

Really, Is it a really great question?

β€œThat’s a really great question, I’m glad you asked.”   How many times have you had someone say this to you? How many times have…
Three Critical Components of Professional Development

Three Critical Components of Professional Development

One of our lead recruiters here at Phoenix Staff recently attended a full day of motivational seminars that included former President and COO of Microsoft,…
Free Range Networking

Free Range Networking

It may be clichΓ© to say that techies need to get out from behind the monitor and walk out into the light, but seriously, you…
How the Resume Matters (aka Resume Confessions)

How the Resume Matters (aka Resume Confessions)

Part of the process to obtaining a new role involves writing and refining a resume, and I often have several conversations, emails and editorial rounds…
One Giant Pitfall to Avoid in Your Next Interview

One Giant Pitfall to Avoid in Your Next Interview

Have you ever heard a friend bad mouth a mutual friend and thought, β€œWow, I wonder what he says behind MY back?” Keep this in…
Word Wisdom for Interviews

Word Wisdom for Interviews

My opinion, is that you might be better off kinda, I don’t know, avoiding qualifying words, like um, you know, filler words. They may, sort…
Does how long you work somewhere still matter?

Does how long you work somewhere still matter?

When I was growing up my Dad would always recommend that I find a β€œstable” job I could retire from. β€œGo to work at big…
IT Resume Polishing Tips

IT Resume Polishing Tips

β€œI had it on my old laptop… maybe I emailed it to myself? I think I had my mom edit it once, maybe she still…
10 Ways to Stay Motivated During Unemployment

10 Ways to Stay Motivated During Unemployment

Being unemployed can have many affects on a person. You may be feeling depressed, embarrassed, defeated, and overwhelmed, or you may be relieved, jubilant, and…
Crystallizing Your Focus for Your Recruiter: Not Being a Jack of All Trades

Crystallizing Your Focus for Your Recruiter: Not Being a Jack of All Trades

It makes for an impressive networking conversation that you made an iPhone app that monitors and tweets your home brewing process, 3D print bottle caps,…
Why I Love Millennials

Why I Love Millennials

My first job in high school was, like most kids that age, in a retail store. I worked in the stock room of a shoe…
Out of my way, I want a promotion!

Out of my way, I want a promotion!

Whether it’s as part of your work day, or personal life, aggressive, controlling, and eternally grumpy people will cross your path. Knowing how to deal…
Heroism is not scalable

Heroism is not scalable

At some point in time, most companies need to add structure or implement policies that will beΒ counterΒ to the intended or β€œoriginal” culture. In Phoenix alone,…
Is the ladder you are climbing leaning against the right wall?

Is the ladder you are climbing leaning against the right wall?

It used to be that I would get asked a lot about promotions and, when conducting interviews, “what’s the next move I should make so…
Looking to relocate? Employers should be open to it

Looking to relocate? Employers should be open to it

For a long time, the rule of thumb regarding out-of-town addresses on resumes was to toss them into the “maybe but probably not” pile. Employers…
Be sure you provide your recruiter with what they need

Be sure you provide your recruiter with what they need

Two phone calls (of many) today with two entirely different outcomes. One was with a candidate who did something that I recommend every candidate do.…
Hire someone new or promote from within?

Hire someone new or promote from within?

My son asked me the other day, “Dad, why does DirecTV offer a lower price for ‘new customers only'”? Great question and since we watch…
A carpenter, an F14 pilot and a veterinarian

A carpenter, an F14 pilot and a veterinarian

These are the things I knew I would be when I grew up – well, at least between the ages of 6 and 11 I…
Run a Marathon by the end of January?

Run a Marathon by the end of January?

If you have never run a marathon before and you are setting this as part of your “New Year / New You” goal, good on…
Your resume is still important – unfortunately!

Your resume is still important – unfortunately!

It is frustrating to think that in a time when technology has made so many amazing advancements, that your resume is still an important part…
Are you still hiring based on a resume?

Are you still hiring based on a resume?

I spoke with someone today who made a comment that I have heard often in the past few months, “Had I focused on their resume,…
Focus Daniel-san

Focus Daniel-san

  My friend Joe recently wrote an article about chasing 2 rabbits.Β  Great post and relevant to a conversation I had with someone at lunch…
Are you building a “poach-worthy” company?

Are you building a “poach-worthy” company?

I remember an email conversation I had back in 1999 – just a short while after I started in this industry. Β The guy who emailed…
Why did “they” get the job?

Why did “they” get the job?

Who can tell me how many interviews are being conducted every minute of every day? I don’t know the answer, just curious if anyone does.…
Would you hire a web developer-ish engineer?

Would you hire a web developer-ish engineer?

We all started somewhere. Me? First ‘paid’ gig was at a shoe store in a shopping mall stocking the back room – fortunately not touching…
Nobody’s buying what you’re selling: 6 ideas that might help

Nobody’s buying what you’re selling: 6 ideas that might help

After recently reading Daniel Pink’s,Β β€œTo Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others”, I was specifically drawn to the story about the car sales…
Is your company ready for “layers”?

Is your company ready for “layers”?

14 years since launching Phoenix Staff, I’ve come to some realizations. Many that made sense then and that I wish I had remained true to,…
Happiness for some – a source of jealousy for others

Happiness for some – a source of jealousy for others

Since I am not a psychiatrist I don’t know what these personality traits are called, why they exist, how they can be altered or if…
Is that kale in your teeth?

Is that kale in your teeth?

It’s interesting to think about the stages of life we go through as it relates to something like this and the various reactions we have…
I’m really busy (way busier than you). I mean, like, really, really busy.

I’m really busy (way busier than you). I mean, like, really, really busy.

I remember a conversation with an employee at Park Central Mall in downtown Phoenix some 13 years ago. I don’t recall the specifics of that…
Declined for a job a year ago and wondering if you can revisit?

Declined for a job a year ago and wondering if you can revisit?

Recruiters get a lot of questions related to their candidate’s overall job search. One came my way the other day that hadn’t been presented to…
Google doesn’t even say, “did you mean”?

Google doesn’t even say, “did you mean”?

I was meeting with someone the other day who was an admitted terrible speller.Β  He gave me the title to this blog as a matter…
How long is this gonna take?

How long is this gonna take?

And other actual questions you should never ask in an interview A very good friend of mine recently let me know that he was interviewing…
“That job description was written for me”​, said nobody – ever again!

“That job description was written for me”​, said nobody – ever again!

As someone who has been in the recruiting industry for more than 20 years, this is something that I have heard hundreds of times. There…
Independent Doesn’t Want an "A"

Independent Doesn’t Want an "A"

At Phoenix Staff we spend a lot of time here talking about how you can present yourself in the most favorable light, about putting your…
How long should a resume be

How long should a resume be

A resume is not a novel and does not need to be more than two pages. Some will say one page is best; I disagree.…
Know With Whom You Interviewed

Know With Whom You Interviewed

Know Who You Interviewed WithΒ of the simplest and best interviewing techniques you can learn and master include learning the names of the people in the…
3 Tips for Conducting Job Interviews Remotely

3 Tips for Conducting Job Interviews Remotely

Treat It Like Any Other Job Interview Professional lives and business operations are drastically changing and adapting in unprecedented ways in light of the current…
Most Common Type of Accident

Most Common Type of Accident

Rear-end collisions are the most common accidents. In an even narrower way, the more common type is when merging into traffic and anticipating what the…
Not an Expert

Not an Expert

Grocery stores and retail – that was my life from 15 years old when I had my first β€œnon-ditch-digging/lawn mowing/snow shoveling job” until 1998. Working…
What Your Resume Really Needs

What Your Resume Really Needs

Resumes are the source of questions: Will my recruiter read my whole resume, or just skim it? Should I include all my certifications? I went…


Thank You!


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Phoenix, AZ 85044

Phone: 602.254.6363